BA (3 Years)
BA (EP) (Economics, Political Science)
BA (HS) (History, Sociology)
BA (EH) (English, History)
B.Com (3 Years)
Compulsory papers with Business Taxation as elective.
BBA (3 Years)
Compulsory papers.
National Education Policy 2020 (NEP)
National Education Policy 2020 (NEP) has marked an epochal development in the educational landscape of India. The policy envisions a student centered education system compatible to transform India to a vibrant knowledge society.
Remarkably, the thrust area of the new education policy is to make the system of education well resourced and multidisciplinary by the consolidation of multiple educational institutions and disciplines. NEP shows creative combination of study and multiple entry and exit makes the system highly flexible and accessible. The traditional rigidity of the formal system and stand alone institution will be replaced with high-quality liberal education that provides an optimal learning environment and multidisciplinary education that provides adequate provision for student mobility.
Features of the Choice Based Semester Scheme:
Each course shall carry certain number of credits. Credit normally represents the weightage of a course and decides function of teaching, learning and evolutions strategies such as number of contact hours, the course content, teaching methodology, learning expectations, maximum mark etc. In the proposed programmes in general, 2 hours of instruction per week in a semester is assigned one credit. In term of evolution, one credit is equivalent to 50 marks in a semester. On this basis a three year degree programme will have a maximum 100 credits.
The other features of CBSC are :
The degree programmes are structured on semester basis.
The relative importance of subject of study and activities are quantified in terms of credits and also overall importance.
The subject of study includes foundation courses, general studies and interdisciplinary subjects.
The programmes permit horizontal mobility in course selection.
The students are required to take the part in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and that the participations is compulsory as a part of the credit based system.
The curricular and question paper or unitized.
The declaration of result is based on the arranged percentage of marks obtained as well as the grade point average earned.
Duration of the programme
The durations of a Bachelor Degree programmes shall extend over six semesters (three academic years) of 16 week each.
Course patterns and schemes for of examinations
The details of course pattern and the scheme of examination of the different degree programmes are : [ T- theory, CC-Co curricular, EC- Extra curricular, FC- Foundation Course, GS-General Studies, IS- Interdisciplinary Subject]